How Personalized Interactive Video Can Help Brand Messaging

How Personalized Interactive Video Can Help Brand Messaging

How Personalized Video Can Help Brand Messaging


]In the endless sea of misguided marketing messages and cookie-cutter content, personalized video catches the attention of your prospect – and doesn’t let go!  By leveraging customer data for tailored direct messages, in a medium they already prefer – personalized video stands out in the ongoing “fight for eyeballs”. 


Let’s unpack precisely how branded personalized video can boost your brand messaging so that you can take advantage of its full range of benefits. 

Video, sure – but personalized video?  

Informative and entertaining, video is already the content delivery system of choice. When you inject it with customer data, you supercharge it with the power of personalization.  Picture this: after pressing play, a viewers sees their own name pop up on the screen in glorious colour and motion, alongside your company’s name and logo, followed by an informative narrator solving a problem the customer is currently facing or giving them an answer to a question they have. 

What does this mean? You instantly capture a customer’s attention; they’re interested in what you have to say, and they are motivated to take the desired action.   Why? Because personalized videos add a human touch to marketing, giving customers the attention that makes them feel seen and special, instead of relegating them to just another anonymous name on a generic mailing list.  But a captivated audience is just the beginning…   

The list goes on…  

By combining sound, visuals and narrative, you can create an almost infinite number of different videos depending on your needs. But when you personalize these videos with contextual information directly relevant to the viewer, a host of many other tangible benefits emerge.   Some of the more notable ways that video personalization can help you – all of which positively impact revenue – include:  

    • Building trust and relationships with your consumers 
    • Enhancing brand loyalty and increasing customer retention 
    • Increasing click-through rates and open rates  
    • Increasing engagement and nurturing leads 
    • Gaining better insight into your consumers’ needs 
    • Getting a better marketing ROI 
    • Streamlining ongoing communications  

Engagement, conversion, retention – the Holy Grail of marketing and exactly how personalized videos build consumer trust and lead to lifelong loyalty.   Now, let’s look at one very effective way businesses have been successfully deploying personalized videos to enhance their brand: templates. 


Be consistently great  

Controlling your brand messaging is easy with video templates, which are specially designed to connect all the content dots, no matter how many moving parts make up your marketing campaign.   At one end, templates are flexible. Users can easily tailor outbound messages with images, music, voice-overs, text, and even interactive CTA buttons that link to specific URLs. Flexibility means you’re always optimizing your resources while building powerful campaigns.  


Team Human   

A personalized video is the most direct and engaging way to show your audience you listen to them and understand their needs – in other words, it meets their expectations about what a modern, exceptional customer experience should look, sound and feel like.   Personalized video continues to show results: marketers can target and meet each individual customer’s expectations while still guaranteeing brand consistency.   Sending a unique, personalized and consistently branded message to as many customers as you want – this is authentic, human messaging at scale. 

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

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Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

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Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

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